The Project Since 2014, Paramax Films has been working with the world-renowned Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and some of the most renowned musicians, such as Daniil Trifonov, Martha Argerich, Zubin...
The Festival Paramax Films had the honor to film the A to Jazz Festival in Sofia for two years. A to JazZ Festival welcomes more than 45 000 people...
LIVE@HOME You get to be up close and personal with Maroon 5, N.E.R.D., Duffy, Jessie J, and more with these intimate living performances that are recorded without an audience,...
The Festival Paramax Films had the honor to film the Sing Jazz Festival in Singapore for three years. The Singapore International Jazz Festival (Sing Jazz) takes place annually at...
The Project Since 2014, Paramax Films has been working with the world-renowned Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and some of the most renowned musicians, such as Daniil Trifonov, Martha Argerich, Zubin...
The Festival Paramax Films had the honor to film the A to Jazz Festival in Sofia for two years. A to JazZ Festival welcomes more than 45 000 people...
LIVE@HOME You get to be up close and personal with Maroon 5, N.E.R.D., Duffy, Jessie J, and more with these intimate living performances that are recorded without an audience,...
The Festival Paramax Films had the honor to film the Sing Jazz Festival in Singapore for three years. The Singapore International Jazz Festival (Sing Jazz) takes place annually at...